Manuscript submission guidelines
The journal publishes scientific articles, analytical reviews, summaries of foreign-language books and articles, reviews and translations.
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and checked for plagiarism. Based on the results of the peer review, the editorial board makes a decision on publication. In case of refusal to accept the manuscript, the editors inform the author about it. The manuscript is considered by the editors and the reviewers within 1 month.
By submitting the manuscript, the author confirms that the text has not been previously published and is not being considered by another journal. Reprinting of previously published materials is only possible by agreement with the editors.
There are no fees payable to publish in the journal.
General manuscript requirements
Manuscripts should be submitted in .doc or .docx format. Text font: Times New Roman; font size (including footnotes): 14 pt; line spacing: 1.5; first line indent: 1 cm.
Submissions should include the author’s last name, first name and patronymic (full form), employer, job and email address. Author’s information is provided in Russian and in English.
Manuscript size (including all text elements):
- articles, analytical reviews and translations: no more than 60,000 characters (with spaces);
- reviews: no more than 30,000 characters (with spaces);
- summaries: 5,000 to 12,000 characters (with spaces).
Requirements for articles, analytical reviews and reviews
Articles, analytical reviews and reviews should include UDC, abstracts of up to 100 words in Russian and English, as well as 4 to 10 keywords in Russian and English, separated by semicolons.
References to literature are made in square brackets, indicating the author of the source, the publication year and the pages referred to. Examples: [Иванов, 1991, с. 6; Smith, 1951, p. 81–82]; [Beginning of the title.., 2020, p. 3; Short title, 2020, p. 3] [там же, с. 13]; [ibid., p. 384].
The reference list, placed at the end of the text, should be arranged in alphabetical order, Russian-language sources first, then those in English.
Example of a reference list.
Reference list
Дюркгейм Э. О разделении общественного труда / пер. с фр. А.Б. Гофмана. – М.: Канон, 1996. – 432 с.
Инглхарт Р., Титова А. Человек и счастье: Рональд Инглхарт: «Очень хорошее будущее вполне вероятно» // Кот Шрёдингера. – 2015. – № 10. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 20.04.2020).
Леонтьев Д.А. Счастье и субъективное благополучие: к конструированию понятийного поля // Мониторинг общественного мнения: экономические и социальные перемены. – 2020. – № 1. – С. 14–37.
Технонаука и этос ученого: Контуры этики биобанкинга глазами российского научного сообщества (по результатам опроса специалистов в области биомедицины и смежных видов деятельности / Вархотов Т.А., Аласания К.Ю., Брызгалина Е.В., Гавриленко С.М., Рыжов А.Л., Шкомова Е.М. // Праксема. – 2018. – № 4. – С. 61–83.
Have we seen the geneticisation of society? Expectations and evidence / Weiner K., Martin P., Richards M., Tutton R. // Sociology of health & illness. – 2017. – Vol. 39, N 7. – P. 1–16.
Moody H.R. From successful aging to conscious aging // Successful aging through the life span: intergenerational issues in health / ed. by M. Wykle, P. Whitehouse, D. Morris. – N.Y.: Springer, 2005. – P. 55–68.
Sorokin P. The crisis of our age: the social and cultural outlook. – N.Y.: E.P. Dutton, 1951. – 338 p.
The European social survey. – Mode of access: (accessed: 05.04.2020).
Requirements for summaries and translations
A summary should include a Russian translation of the title of the summarized source and its full bibliographic description, as well as 4 to 10 keywords in Russian.
The author’s initials and surname are given at the end of the summary.
Example of the title of a summary:
Le mouvement des Gilets jaunes: Un apprentissage en pratique (s) de la politique? / Bendali Z., Challier R., Della Sudda M., Fillieule O., Agrikoliansky E., Aldrin Ph. // Politix. – 2019. – Vol. 128, N 4. – P. 143–177.
References to the summarized source are made in parentheses, for example: (с. 3). References to other sources are made in footnotes (a full bibliographic description is provided).
A translation should include a full bibliographic description of the original, as well as 4 to 10 keywords in Russian.
The translator’s initials and surname are given at the end of the translation.
Example of the title of a translation:
MOWRER E.R. Social forces in family disorganization // Mowrer E.R. Family disorganization: an introduction to a sociological analysis. – Chicago (IL): Univ. of Chicago press, 1927. – Ch. 7. – P. 145–173.
References to sources cited in the original are made in footnotes (a full bibliographic description is provided).
Access to publications and database indexing
All published materials are authomatically open accessed through CyberLeninka, the online sci-hub library based on the open science paradigm.
The Journal is indexed in Russian Science Citation Index (Elibrary), Google Scholar and is presented in WorldCat, Ulrichs Periodical Directory, Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies, CyberLeninka, ISISS / INION’s bibliographic database, at EBSCOhost platform.
The author’s copy of the journal can be obtained at: 117418, Moscow, Nakhimovsky pr-t, 51/21, rooms No. 226, No. 223, Department of Sociology and Social Psychology, ISISS RAS (by prior arrangement with the editors). Editorial office email: